Yes indeed. We can use gel baits and bait stations for both cockroaches and ants and they have been proven to be effective.
Recently I found some bed bugs in my room. I’ve been staying here for so long and this is the first time I have this problem. What can be the cause of it and how can I be rid of this problem? Can you guarantee that there will be no more bed bugs after the treatment?
Bed bugs have become a major problem worldwide. This is mainly because travel is very cheap these days and hence people from different background, travel quite freely these days. Budget and back-pack travellers do not mind staying in the cheapest locations where hygiene and housekeeping are not priorities. The great influx of foreign labour from the lesser countries around the region have also compounded the problem. So you need to ask yourself if you have been exposed to bed bugs yourself and without knowing this, could have brought them into your house. Or you need to confirm if you have had visitors from overseas or recently engaged any maid etc. You may keep your own house spick and span but this will not prevent the bed bugs from the neighbouring houses to crawl into your nice clean home.
Once you have a bedbug problem, you will need professional help. We will advice you on what needs to be done on your part and what will be done by us. When the preparation phase is completed, we will carry out a residual spray of the entire skirting areas all within the house. We will also treat the external apron area in contact with your house. We will then release a calculated amount of “Total Release Aerosol” to saturate the entire internal volume of the affected area. The house will then be sealed up for 2 to 3 hours. All the living bedbugs will be killed. However, the eggs will not be destroyed. This is why a second complete treatment is required to be carried out between 10 to 14 days later. This will ensure an effective and complete treatment. Despite this, we will not be able to guarantee that no more bedbugs will come into your house at a later date as there are too many external factors beyond our control that may allow the bedbugs to come into your house. You will just have to be more careful.
How can I eliminate lizards from my house?
Lizards are best controlled inside buildings by excluding them. Exterior cracks should be sealed and tight fitting screens installed on all windows and vents. Vegetation outside should be kept away from the foundation. Lizards inside can be captured using glue traps and then removed from the traps using vegetable oil to dissolve the glue. Release captured lizards outside at a distance away from the building. Lizards are actually helpful in that they feed on flying insects. However, they tend to mess up the walls with their droppings.
What is the best way to treat a flea infested home? I have 2 cats and 2 dogs.
This problem has to be dealt with by professionals. Flea control requires thorough vacuuming, treatment of pets and treatment of the infested premises. Vacuuming removes soils and debris that might interfere with the treatment. Removes a good number of adult fleas and some flea eggs, and opens carpet fibres so that treatment can penetrate to flea larvae and pupae. An insect growth regulator (IGR) should be used together with a product targeted at adult fleas. The IGR affects only the flea larvae and prevents them from molting into adult fleas which do the biting. The IGR therefore helps prevent future infestations while assisting in stopping the current problem. Vacuuming everyday stimulates adult fleas from cocoons so they will contact the treatment and die more quickly. Although the number of adult fleas you see quickly drops following the treatments, it may take 2 to 3 weeks before all fleas are gone from the premises. It is important to treat the pets on the same day as the home is treated. A second similar treatment must be carried out in the house 10 to 14 days after the initial treatment to kill off newly hatched eggs as these would not have been destroyed during the initial treatment. Hence, the pets must also be kept away from the house during this period.
How effective are bait traps for controlling cockroaches?
Bait stations will be effective in controlling cockroaches if placed properly. Baits, however, rely on every cockroach in a population to feed on the bait before the infestation can be eliminated. Bait stations should be combined with other control efforts such as crack and void treatments to ensure the infestation is eliminated. Knowing where to apply each product effectively is where our experience is helpful. In addition, our men will also look for any conditions that might contribute to cockroach infestations and make recommendations for correcting such conditions.
Is it possible to get rid of cockroaches and keep them from coming back?
Cockroaches can be eliminated from a home, but reinfestation can occur depending on the particular species involved and where the home is situated. Cockroaches may continually try to enter a home from the outside. Regular exterior service in addition to sealing outside cracks and holes in walls can help limit such invasions to a negligible level. Proper maintenance and cleaning of manholes and drains will certainly help. Proper housekeeping within the house is definitely essential but even these cannot stop cockroaches from crawling in from your neighbours or neighbouring areas. Hence, constant vigilance is required.
How do I get rid of Fire Ants?
Fire ants can be difficult to eliminate totally because they can reinvade from neighboring properties. Individual fire ant mounds should be treated using a fire ant bait or a residual contact product labeled for fire ants. The yard can then be treated with fire ant bait to help control unseen mounds and colonies foraging from neighboring properties. Regular fire ant services are necessary to keep ants to a minimum.
What’s the best way to get rid of pharaoh ants?
Any residual treatments applied to control pharaoh ants only makes the problem worse. Such treatments cause colonies to split into two or more colonies. Pharaoh ants can only be controlled by use of baits. It normally takes the experience of a professional to achieve elimination of this ant due to its cryptic habits and biology. This ant commonly uses the electrical wiring and plumbing pipes inside walls as “highways” to travel from room to room.
My kitchen is inundated with small and medium sized ants. They seem to cluster in my dishwasher. I’ve used ant traps and some chemicals and nothing works. What should I do?
It is important to identify the ant involved before trying to control it. Some ant species can be controlled using ant baits, while others cannot. The key to success is following the ants back to their colony and treating the colony directly (except when dealing with pharaoh ants). We have the experience to properly provide this service.
How do I get rid of mice?
Mice are best controlled by using traps, either snap traps, live traps or a combination of the two. When using snap traps, use different baits (chocolate, peanut butter, etc…) on the traps and place them where the mice are active – but where children and pets can’t get to them. Also, seal exterior cracks and holes and put weatherstrips on doors to prevent new mice from entering. Mice only need a hole ¼-inch in size to enter. Numerous mice indicate a more serious problem and should be dealt with by professionals like us.
Is it possible to completely get rid of rats?
Yes, it is possible, but it takes a lot of effort and skill. Traps are best for control because the carcass/rat can be removed. With baits, you run the risk of the rodent dying inside a wall or in a place where you can not remove it, and it may cause an odour. In some cases, you need to use both traps and baits. Rodent bait should be used only in tamper-resistant rodent stations. Baits should NEVER be placed unsecured where children or pets could access them. It may be better to hire a professional like us to tackle the problem.
I have a problem with birds resting on my window ledges. They really mess up my walls. How can I get rid of them?
There are a few methods available. Specially designed spikes that will keep the birds from roosting but will not harm them. Some form of netting can be used to prevent bird entry. Glue is also used but this can be messy in our heat. Finally, the ledges can be cemented in a manner that there is a sloping ledge which will prevent roosting.